Join us for Christmas Eve services in Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee!
ADVENT SERVICES (Wednesdays at 7pm)
Wednesdays leading up to Christmas (12/4-12/18)
In person only, in the sanctuary
CHRISTMAS EVE (Tuesday, December 24th)
In person at 4:30pm & 11pm
Live online at 4:30pm and then available on demand
Keep scrolling down for some Frequently Asked Questions.
You can join us for Christmas Eve in Downtown Knoxville at 211 W. Fifth Ave or live online!
Live online at 4:30pm & then available on demand
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the difference between the 4:30pm and 11pm service on Christmas Eve?
4:30pm will include upbeat music, questions and answers, & candlelight etc. while 11pm will be a more reflective experience and include communion & candlelight. Both will have hope, joy, and celebration! You can get a taste of what Sunday morning is usually like by catching a service online here.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you want! The building may be big and fancy lookin' but we couldn't care less what you wear inside of it. Come as you are... just please put on pants 😳😂
Will you have childcare?
KidsPoint is pausing throughout the Christmas season so we can all worship and celebrate together! Your kiddos are welcome to borrow Activity Bags in the back of the sanctuary in the Next Steps corner. The Mother's Room & KidsPoint area are also both available for you and your kiddos if you ever need to step out for any reason. But don't worry about wiggles and giggles! We love having your kids in worship with us. Learn more about our usual KidsPoint experience starting back up in mid-January right here.
Where can I park?
While parking in downtown Knoxville can sometimes seem stressful, there are plenty of options for parking at The Point! You can learn about all things parking right here.
Have other questions? This may help: